Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Send your condolences to my liver

I think I finally killed it off this past weekend....

I did lots of good old fashioned drowning of my sorrows.

Somehow it seemed to have worked wonders, at least until I sobered up.

It took until today to finally feel human again, but at least I can say I had fun.


babyjewels said...

You needed to have some fun. I'm glad you did.

cassy said...

I had the same kind of weekend. Fun stuff - while it's happening, at least!

Was just browsing and found your blog. It's a good read!

Trudy Booty Scooty said...

lol Sublime...

Ya know, even Doctors use alcohol to cleanse wounds.

Glad you survived the weekend...

You're going to be ok, sweetie. Hugs to your son too. He may need a double scoop cone tonight. :)

AKH said...

Glad to hear that you had fun this weekend. The great thing about the liver is that it can rejuvenate itself (at least I hope it can).

Don't burn yourself out before you get to Chicago. :)

Caroline said...

How are you feeling a few days later. Hope you're feeling better. I have many weekends like that. It feels so good at the time, but later I always regret it.

I n g e r said...

That liver needed a night out. I'm sure of it.

Lili said...

Ahhh the liquor cure..works for me every time!